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The Infinite Talk

Experiments with the CCCB Archive


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This publication brings together the reflections of various authors about the texts generated using artificial intelligence in The Infinite Talk installation. Every day for a month, an artificial intelligence model trained with the content of the CCCB’s Archive compulsively wrote a talk for eleven hours, uninterrupted. The talk was generated by a title suggested by a thinker, scientist or creator that addressed the issues that will concern us for the next 30 years. The same 30 people were also asked to write a text to reflect on what the machine had written. The texts that make up this book are, then, a kind of collective, incomplete, ambiguous and contradictory essay about the present.

The Infinite Talk was an artistic installation by Estampa collective on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the CCCB.

Authors: Estampa, Marina Garcés, Rosa Rius Gatell, Gemma Barricarte, Miquel Missé, Juan Pablo Villalobos, Begonya Saez Tajafuerce, Lucía Lijtmaer, Maria Ptqk, Xisi Sofia Ye Chen, Lluís Nacenta, Anyely Marín Cisneros, David Bravo, Laia Abril, Clara Roquet, Mafe Moscoso, Carlota Subirós, Xènia Dyakonova, Joana Moll, blanca arias, Gerard Ortín Castellví, Borja Bagunyà, Mohamad Bitari, Gemma Ferreón, Miquel Sureda, Clara Serra, Àlex Hinojo, Mireia Calafell, Alexandra Laudo, Jordi Martínez Vilalta,

Publication year: 2025

Pages: 181


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