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Mireia Calafell

Poet and cultural producer

Poètiques del cos (Body Poetics, winner of the 2006 Amadeu Oller Prize and the 2007 Anna Dodas Prize for the best book by an unpublished author); Costures (Seams, winner of the 2009 Josep Maria López Picó Prize); and Tantes mudes (So Many Changes, winner of the 2013 Benvingut Oliver Prize and the 2014 Lletra d’Or award for the best book published in Catalan). Her last collection of poems is Nosaltres, qui (We, Who, LaBreu Edicions, 2020), which was awarded the 2019 Mallorca Prize for Poetry, and was recognised by the Association of Catalan Language Writers (AELC) with the Josep Maria Llopart award for the best collection of poems published in 2020. She has been a guest poet at international festivals in Argentina, Egypt, Canada, Luxembourg, Italy, and elsewhere.

She is a founder-member of the cultural production company La Sullivan and a member of the Maria-Mercè Marçal Foundation . She has co-directed the Poesia i més Festival (2015-2016), and Barcelona Poesia (2018-2021).

La Sullivan

Update: 19 October 2023



Today’s feminist creators


Has participated in

The Infinite Talk

Experiments with the CCCB Archive

Marçalianes. “I take the road that has led me to you”

Celebration of the creative legacy of Maria-Mercè Marçal

Raise your hands, these dirty hands

Recital of works by poets from the 1970s and now