Maria Ptqk
Curator, critic and cultural researcher
Maria Ptqk is a cultural researcher. With an academic background in law and economy, she holds a PhD in artistic research with a doctoral thesis on the cyberfeminist collective subRosa. Her work investigates the ecological and technoscientific realm from a postcultural perspective, at the crossroads of experimental art practices and collective in/trans/disciplinary knowledge.
She has recently curated the exhibitions Science Friction. Life Among Companion Species (2021-2023) at CCCB–Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona and Azkuna Zentroa Bilbao, co-produced by Jeu de Paume (Paris), and Remote Extinction Detected (2022) at LABoral–Centre for Arts and Industrial Creation (Gijón, Spain). She co-edited the book Citizen Laboratories. An Introduction to Medialab Prado (2020), celebrating the legacy of the pioneering citizen lab in Madrid. As a consultant, she collaborates with public and private organizations such as the Daniel & Nina Carasso Foundation, Donostia-San Sebastian–European Cultural Capital 2016, and consonni, the independent publisher and artistic editor for documenta fifteen. From 2023 to 2025 she will be curating the Getxophoto International Image Festival.
Currently based in Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain), she has lived and worked in Barcelona, Paris and Berlin, where she has collaborated with a wide range of artists, social initiatives and cultural institutions.
Update: 7 February 2023