Lucía Lijtmaer
Writer and journalist
She has published the chronicles Quiero los secretes del Pentágono ('I want the secrets of the Pentagon') (Capitán Swing, 2015), No Tenía casi nada que ponerte ('You had almost nothing to wear') (Libros del Lince, 2016) and the essays Yo también soy una chica lista ('I am also a smart girl') (Destino, 2017), Cultura en Tensión ('Culture in tension') (2016, DA, Raig Verd) and Ofendiditos, la criminalización de la protesta ('Offended, the criminalization of protest)' (Anagrama, 2019). She regularly writes for El País, El Periódico de Catalunya, and collaborates with RAC1. Curator of the festival of guerrilla and feminist culture “Princesas y DarthVaders”, she codirects (with Isa Calderón) the cultural podcast “Deforme Semanal” on Radio Primavera Sound, winner of the 2021 Ondas Award for Best Podcast and of the 2022 Ondas Globales Prize for the Podcast. She has recently published Cauterio ('Cauterisation', Anagrama, 2022), a novel that tells the story of the rebellion against contemporary gender roles from two different perspectives.
Update: 13 April 2023