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Borja Bagunyà

Writer, co-founder of the Bloom School, and editor of the magazine CARN DE CAP

Borja lectures in Literary Theory and Comparative. He is one of the founders of Escola Bloom and an editor of the magazine of creative writing CARN DE CAP. He has published several volumes of short stories: Apunts per al retrat d’una ciutat (Notes for a City Portrait, Arola, 2004); Defensa pròpia (Self Defense, Proa, 2007), which was awarded the Mercè Rodoreda Prize, and Plantes d’interior (Indoor Plants, Empúries, 2011, 2023). In 2018, he published Trapologia (Trapology, Ara Llibres, 2018), co-written with Max Besora. Els angles morts (Dead Angles, Periscopi, 2021) is his first novel, and was awarded the 2022 Spanish Critic’s Prize, in the Catalan narrative category. He has recently published Sessió de control/Una casa fosca i un flagell (Control session/A Dark House and a Lash, Comanegra, 2023) and the essay Breu història del mandat (A Brief History of the Mandate, Fragmenta, 2023).

Update: 22 November 2024


Has participated in

The Infinite Talk

Experiments with the CCCB Archive

Projected Words

"A Vocabulary for the Future" in coproduction with Institut Ramon Llull and Film London

Bel Olid and Borja Bagunyà. Moderator: Jordi Nopca. Stage direction: Marc Caellas

The Stomach of the Writers (2). Can’t Catalan literature stomach excess?