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Gemma Barricarte

Gemma Barricarte is an architect by the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (UPC) and has specialized in urban political ecology in the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (ICTA-UAB). She is part of the research group Estètica Fòssil (CSIC). She has a degree in Fine Arts (UB) and a long career in environmental and student activism, being co-founder of Fridays for Future. She has published her essays and articles in the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), El País, Climática and CTXT. She has also developed outreach tasks conducting radio interviews and giving lectures at centers such as the Universitat Internacional de la Pau (UNIPAU), the UPC and the UB. Her main lines of research are related to political ecology, architecture, urban studies and artistic production.

Update: 13 December 2022



Has participated in

The Infinite Talk

Experiments with the CCCB Archive

A morning with Isaac Rosa

Other Possible Futures

Isaac Rosa & Gemma Barricarte

The Future is Ours