Àlex Hinojo Update: 22 April 2014 Contents Kyle Chayka: “The platform connects us but also homogenizes our tastes” Àlex Hinojo Towards a new news ethic Àlex Hinojo Africa from the West: a Biased View Alex Hinojo CCCB The New Rosetta Stone Alex Hinojo The Evolution of the Concept of Audience IV Interviews The Evolution of the Concept of Audience III Interviews What is knowledge? Interview with Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana, Marc Garriga, Vincent Puig and Alex Hinojo Inteview with Àlex Hinojo I+C+i. The Value of Free Knowledge Publications The Infinite Talk Experiments with the CCCB Archive Has participated in The Infinite Talk Experiments with the CCCB Archive Presentation of the educational briefcase Internet Universe. How does the network affect our lives Official Conference of Big Data Week 2014 I+C+i #3 “The Value of Free Knowledge”
What is knowledge? Interview with Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana, Marc Garriga, Vincent Puig and Alex Hinojo