Despite being silent, electric vehicles perpetuate certain imaginaries of petro-masculinity and its extractivist dynamics.
The Varda Laboratory
Immerse yourself in the creative universe of Agnès Varda!
18 July — 8 December
The CCCB, a climate shelter. A place to take refuge from the heat in the Raval neighbourhood
Varda Variations. Selection of Xcèntric Archive films
The Varda Laboratory. Immerse yourself in the creative universe of Agnès Varda!
Agnès Varda. Photographing, Filming, Recycling
“No Beach Here”. International Workshop ETSAV-CCCB
Postcard Mural. Workshop to write a postcard to Agnès Varda
Varda Remix. Workshop to remix Agnès Varda’s films
Poetry Slam Barcelona. Creation Based on the Word and the Scene
"Agnès Varda. Fotografiar, filmar, reciclar" catalogue
The exhibition catalogue is now available on the Laie CCCB bookstore.
Xcèntric Archive
The CCCB’s archive of experimental film. A meeting point for the viewing and interpretation of essential films, with over 1,000 titles from prominent creators.