On the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Second Sex, Kate Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Duval, Meri Torras, Alín Salom, Tsitsi Dangarembga, and Marta Marín-Dòmine discuss, in a shared re-reading, the continuing relevance of this key work by Simone de Beauvoir.
Videos & Publications
Tsitsi Dangarembga
Re-Membered Imaginaries: The Moving- Image Screen as a Decolonial Site
Tsitsi Dangarembga, one of Africa’s leading thinkers today, opens the 12th Iberian Congress of African Studies with a lecture on African women’s contribution to expanding decolonial imagination, and its potential for confronting global right-wing discourse. This conversation takes places within the framework of Resident CCCB, an international residency program of the CCCB in collaboration with Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and supported by Fundació Privada MIR-PUIG. ...
Richard Sennett and Xavier Albertí
Performing the city
In his conversation with theatre director Xavier Albertí, Richard Sennett starts from his experience as a professional cellist to probe the cultural and political history of human interactions and analyse the complex, ambiguous nature of the art of performance. Staged expressions can ...
Timothy Snyder
The habit of freedom
On the occasion of the publication of his latest book On Freedom (2024 – in Spanish, Sobre la Libertad, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2024), the renowned thinker and historian Timothy Snyder analyses the evolution of threats to individual and collective freedom in a situation marked by the rise of authoritarianisms.
Fawn. Submission à la carte
Carmen Salas, Alaaddine Azzouzi, Marta III-Raiga (Tenants’ Syndicate), Anna Pacheco, Jamila Pereira and Núñez García (Don’t Hit a la Negrx) and L’Última Merda.
Flight. Huida performática
Jordi Latorre, Mariona Moranta and Nara is Neus
Flight. Huida performática
Júlia Nueno, IsaTofu and Anna Enguix
Freeze. An open assembly of failures
Mariona Pagès, Clara Sans, María Barrier and Leo Espluga
Paula Bruna and Gisela Torrents
Ancestral Future
Bernardo Gutiérrez
Roser Vernet and Júlia Viejobueno
We Too Are Land. Knowledge for Inhabiting the Place
Nukuri kahtiro turi: the plant world
Talk with João Paulo Lima Barreto and Karen Shiratori
A Piece of Land: The Beginnings and The End
Júlia Viejobueno Cavallé
Claudi Carreras and Andrés Cardona advocate for a deeper understanding of Amazonian culture
As part of the exhibition “Amazons. The Ancestral Future”
Archaeology of the Jungle
A Morning with Eduardo Neves
Eduardo Neves
Wild Memory
Soundscapes of the Northwest Amazon: Rhythms, Land and Culture in Pará
Natalia Figueredo
Txai Suruí
Postponing the End of the World
Defending the Rights of the Jungle
A morning with Patricia Gualinga
Patricia Gualinga
Living Forest
Ehuana Yaira Ianomami
Gigantic Women
Amazonia, Placing Life at the Centre
A morning with Eliane Brum
Eliane Brum and Gabi Martínez
The Amazon and climate change
The Cultures of the Jungle
A morning with Rember Yahuarcani
The Political Nature of the Forest
Paulo Tavares
Did you miss it?
Catch up on talks and articles in the CCCB digital archive