The ancestral future
119. Lichen
A three-voice story based on the words of Donna Haraway
118. Secret Passages
Notes on experimental animation
117. The far right today
Spain in comparative perspective
116. Braiding
Saints, weird, mestizas
GRAPA 2. ruido ê
Silvia Zayas
GRAPA 1. AdTech Constellations
Joana Moll
The construction of the american dream
The Improper
Erika Sarrias and Josu Larrea
115. L'educació del futur / Education of the future
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - Marina Garcés
114. Cos, llengua i revolució / Body, language and revolution
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
112. La porta de la terminal / O portão do terminal
José Luís Peixoto
110. F(r)iccions etnogràfiques / Ethnographic F(r)iccions
Roger Canals i Alexander Cabeza
109. El que no està dibuixat / That Which Is Not Drawn
William Kentridge (interviewed by Gemma Parellada)
108. Un cinema de la visió / A Cinema of Vision
Tom Gunning
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