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The Amplified Literature Fest

Kosmopolis is a biennial literary event, born in 2002 and held at the Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona.

It is a feast-laboratory where Literature is the main focus of attention. A meeting to celebrate a universalistic discourse, a feast to emancipate readers, to stimulate the canon’s mutation, to shake genres, to sail in languages and to revise myths, traditions and identities.

In a context where the written word, the oral word and the electronic word reflect the tremors of a globalized world, a prospect of mutating genres, categories, formats and storage systems is emerging. Kosmopolis condenses and amplifies this process, placing literature in the centre of the scene and interacting with the Arts and Sciences.

Kosmopolis is a date with art and freedom inspired in an old consciousness: we are citizens of the cosmos, citizens of the universe.

Being cosmopolitan does not mean being indifferent to one country, and being sensitive, to others. It means the generous ambition of being sensitive to all countries and all ages, the desire for eternity, the desire for having been many.

Jorge Luis Borges

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Launch of ‘CARN DE CAP IV’

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Full list of previous activities

A Thousand Sibyls

Maria Arnal, José Luis de Vicente and Eduard Escoffet with Marta Mathéu

Innovation in Libraries

Carme Fenoll (Biblioteques de la Generalitat), Maribel Riaza, Carme Galve (Biblioteca Jaume Fuster) and Albert Díaz (Centre de Documentació del Museu del Disseny de Barcelona). Moderator: Javier Celaya (Dosdoce)

Bookshops and Survival Strategies

Abel Cutillas (La Calders), Alejo Cuervo (Gigamesh), Nicolás Weber (Re-Read) and Fe Fernández Villaret (L’espolsada Llibres). Moderator: Martín Gómez (

Online Narratives in The Media

Ricard Marfà (Ara Interactius), César Vallejo (Lab RTVE), Ferran Clavell (TV3 – Mitjans digitals). Moderator: Carles Sora (UPF)

Mina Holland

Literature and Gastronomy: from Lewis Carroll to Arundhati Roy

Alice in Wonderslam: Gran Slam Barcelona

Bohdan Piasecki, Nilson Muniz, Isa García, Michael James Parker, Salva Soler, Diego Mattarucco, Kristoph Horvath, Jee Kast, Seis en raya and Set sentits. Presenter: Payaso Manchego. Dj: Dive Dibosso

Laura Borràs

The Canon of Literary Modernity: The Electronic Literature Collection

Eduardo Lago

Ways of Wrapping Up The Void: from The Infinite Jest to Inland Empire

Apps and Literature

Efrén García (Play Creatividad), Quim Garreta (Cubus Games), Emma Llensa (Ubicuo Studio) and Marga M. Garriga (Sanoen). Moderator: Carles Sora (UPF)

Online Reading Platforms

Matilde Sanz (Nubico), Julieta Lionetti (24symbols), Sílvia Clemares (Kobo) and David Fernández (Lektu). Moderates: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)

New Influencers: Who’s Telling us What to Read?

Javier del Puerto (, Jenn Díaz (@JnnDiaz), Bernat Ruiz Domènech ( and Carles A. Foguet (Jot Down). Moderator: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)