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What Would You Say to Lewis Carroll?

Pupil collectives



Spain, 2015, Original version

Pupils at 10 primary and secondary schools in Catalonia present the short films they have made to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Alice. They are ten pieces full of imagination, all very different, each with its own personality, but with a common thread, as all answer the same question: what would you say to Lewis Carroll?

Participants: Institut Eugeni d’Ors from Vilafranca del Penedès; Col·legi Sant Pere Claver – Jesuïtes Poble Sec from Barcelona; Escola Lavínia from Barcelona; Alba Esteve, student at Escola Sant Joan Bosco – Salesians d’Horta from Barcelona; Institut Euclides from Pineda de Mar; Institut Miquel Tarradell from Barcelona; Escola Collaso i Gil from Barcelona; Carolina Friolán Soares, student at Institut Camp Blancs from Sant Boi de Llobregat; Centre Penitenciari Brians 2 from Sant Esteve Sesrovires; and IES Mollet del Vallès.

This activity is part of Kosmopolis 2015, Kosmopolis

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