Tools for Constructing Online Digital Narratives
Anna Giralt (docupraxi.net)
In recent years, thanks to new features in programming code, the Internet is once again at the centre of the creation of digital narratives, recovering the interest it aroused with literary hypertext (cybertext) in the nineties. This turnaround has generated new products (webdocs, narrative journalism, interactive video clips) and tools to develop native narratives for the web that have awoken interest internationally, as well as getting many audiovisual chains and production companies on board.
This workshop gives an introduction to the new narrative ecosystem and presents some of the tools available for developing this kind of projects: StoryMapsJS, Timeline, Mattermap, Kettlecorn, ReadyMag, Rancontr, Klynt, etc. In this workshop we will work with Creatavist.
Workshop's presentation: https://docupraxi.creatavist.com/narratives_digitals
Participants: Anna Giralt Gris
This activity is part of Kosmopolis 2015, Kosmopolis