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Talks for secondary school students

This programme of talks aims to prepare secondary school students aged between fifteen and seventeen to take part in debates about today’s world.

Since 2010, the CCCB has offered a programme of talks specifically designed for secondary school students in order to acquaint them with the great present-day debates and give them the opportunity to discuss these issues with leading figures of contemporary culture. From the challenges and problems of today’s world, through to the key questions of philosophy, these sessions seek to stimulate discussion and exchanges of ideas among young people, thus enlarging their frames of reference and encouraging critical thought. By including this cycle of talks in its educational programme the CCCB has created a space where young people can come together with eminent cultural personalities in the conviction that learning occurs both inside and outside the classroom.


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Quantum Computers: The Coming Revolution

A Morning with Ignacio Cirac

Ignacio Cirac, world leader in quantum computing research, talks about the huge transformations that this new technology will entail, a paradigm shift that will transform all fields in which computing is used, with a scope that is still difficult to predict, as are its social implications.

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Archaeology of the Jungle

A Morning with Eduardo Neves

Eduardo Neves, the archaeologist of reference in the study of the Amazon jungle, overturns the false conception of “virgin forest” and shows how Amazonia today is the product of thousands of years of indigenous occupation. The session has a pedagogical dossier (in ...

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Previous activities

Books about Us

A morning with Tsitsi Dangarembga

Quantum Computers: The Coming Revolution

A Morning with Ignacio Cirac

Archaeology of the Jungle

A Morning with Eduardo Neves

Defending the Rights of the Jungle

A Morning with Patricia Gualinga

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Amazonia, Placing Life at the Centre

A morning with Eliane Brum

The Cultures of the Jungle

A morning with Rember Yahuarcani

Art that Has Meaning

A morning with William kentridge

Africa: Decolonizing Knowledge

A morning with Oyèrónké Oyewùmí

The Seduction of Lies

A morning with Zadie Smith

Unarchiving Memory

A morning with Nona Fernández

A morning with Patrick Radden Keefe

Journalism and the boundaries of truth

A morning with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

Racism, resistance and reparation

A morning with Helga Nowotny

AI: A Time Machine

A morning with Brenda navarro

Adolescence: A Strange Country

A morning with Pol Guasch

Friends and Imaginaries

A morning with Gerard Coll-Planas

Untangling Violence

A morning with Fina Birulés

Thinking about the World from Philosophy

A morning with Cristina Romera Castillo

Oceans of Life

A morning with Louise Amoore

Responsible Algorithms?

A morning with Lluís Nacenta

AI and Creativity

A morning with David Farrier

Fossils of the Future

A morning with Gaston Core and Mònica Miró

The Power of Poetry: From the Iliad to Rap

A morning with Rada Akbar

Voices That Resound in Art

A morning with Lea Ypi

What Does Being Free Mean?

A morning with Cas Mudde

Battling the Extreme Right

A morning with Fatima Bhutto

New Global Pop

A morning with Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil

Other Languages, Other Knowledge

A morning with Lia Rodrigues

The Transformational Power of Art

A morning with Cristina Rivera Garza

Intimate Violences

A morning with Juan Arnau

Imagination Has History

A morning with Anna Starobinets

The Power of Imagination

A morning with Isaac Rosa

Other Possible Futures

A morning with Marta Peirano

Citizen Resistance and Climate Change

A morning with Miquel del Pozo

A journey through myth

A morning with David Bueno

The untidy brain

A morning with Jordi Camí

The illusionist brain

A morning with Carolin Emcke

A right has never been won forever

A morning with Marina Garcés

The time of promises

A morning with Maggie Nelson

The practice of freedom

A Moring with Burhan Sönmez

Freedom of expression and the role of literature

A Morning with Alec MacGillis

Living in the shadow of Amazon

A morning with Judith Schalansky

Inventory of the Imagination

A morning with Gerard Talavera

Learning from Butterflies

From reality to the stage

Meeting of high school students with the documentary theater company La Conquesta del Pol Sud

A Morning with Lia Rodrigues

Shake up the world through art

A morning with Alessandro Baricco

The world as a video game

A Morning with Nalini Malani

Art to Break Silence

A morning with Yayo Herrero

Rethinking our relationship with the planet

A morning with Patrick Boucheron

How is History made?

A morning with Nadia Ghulam

Being a Refugee: Surviving in Adversity

A morning with Marta Segarra

What does it mean to be a feminist today?

A morning with Kate Clanchy

Why do we need poetry?

A morning with Cesc Gelabert

A morning with Åsa Wikforss

Knowledge Resistance

A Morning with Sonia Fernández-Vidal

Quantum physics: reality or fiction?

A morning with Mara Dierssen

A morning with Helena Maleno

Such Emotion! What Emotion?

An approximation to the emotions from art and philosophy with Georges Didi-Huberman and Jordi Nomen

A Morning with Sabri Louatah

A Morning with Marcus du Sautoy

A Morning with Marina Tabassum

A Morning with Rita Segato

A morning with Judith Butler

Lecture and discussion with Miquel Missé

Conversation with Gaël Faye

The French-Burundian rapper and novelist talks with the journalist Xavier Aldekoa