Talks for secondary students
A morning with David Bueno
The untidy brain
Debate + Education
What happens to the brain with the onset of puberty? Why do we feel so many emotions, ups and downs, and turmoil in adolescence? The adolescent’s brain, David Bueno tells us, is like their room. It has to disorder the order of childhood in order to mature.
Neuroscientist and educator David Bueno will be talking to students about changes in their brains in one of the most important stages of their lives, with his book El cervell de l’adolescent (Rosa dels Vents, 2022). The brain is the thinking organ, where our behaviours are generated and managed. It changes constantly: everything we learn, the experiences we have and above all the way we live them alter its structure and therefore affect the way we perceive ourselves and how we behave with other people.
A crucial moment of change is adolescence, where it is essential to break free of the boundaries that have been imposed on us in order to be creative. At this time, three areas of the brain are activated: the amygdala, responsible for generating emotions, becomes hyperreactive; the prefrontal cortex, which modulates reflexivity and emotion management, is largely reconnected; and the striatum, the area that generates reward, receives new stimuli. Understanding how our brain is built and rebuilt allows us to reflect on how to take advantage of it in order to live more fully.
Moderators: Cristina Sáez
Participants: David Bueno i Torrens
This activity is part of Brain(s), Talks for secondary students
Related contents
A morning with David Bueno
The untidy brain
What happens to the brain with the onset of puberty? Why do we feel so many emotions, ups and downs, and turmoil in adolescence? Neuroscientist and educator David Bueno talks to students about changes in their brains in one of the most important stages of their lives