Graphic Constellation
Young Women Authors of Avant-garde Comics
Bàrbara Alca, Marta Cartu, Genie Espinosa, Ana Galvañ, Nadia Hafid, Conxita Herrero, María Medem, Miriampersand and Roberta Vázquez make up the constellation of creative universes that is this exhibition. Nine artists who experiment with styles and languages, who break with comic-book conventions, and share a critical and humorous view of the world.
"Graphic Constellation" presents the comic books and the diversity of languages, aesthetic registers and cultural references of these nine creators who, with their use of colour, graphics, and stylistic and narrative experimentation, challenge the established comic-book form.
In their work, these artists bring a critical eye and humour to themes of millennial reality such as economic and employment insecurity, the disappearance of stability, our relationship with technology, sisterhood and relationships on the Internet.
The exhibition is also an invitation to discover how a network of self-publishing fairs, small publishing houses and printers have consolidated the alternative scene on which these nine artists move and learn. And it highlights how comic books can step off the paper and come to life in other artistic media such as ceramics, tapestries and animations.
Comic books outside comic books: installations created by the artists
"Graphic Constellation", curated by the editor Montserrat Terrones, is a decision to exhibit the comic book in an innovative and unconventional way, where comics and characters from the books invade the exhibition space in nine installations that the artists have imagined specially for the occasion.
During the visit you can immerse yourself in their imaginaries in these nine spaces, make a match with the monsters of Bàrbara Alca’s dating application Cringer, play with Roberta Vázquez’s comic characters or go through a dimensional gate devised by Miriampersand. To find out more about the nine installations, click on More information.
La Comiquera, a workshop space and a fun meeting point
La Comiquera is a space open to visitors where you can draw, join in workshops with the artists in the exhibition "Graphic Constellation" and other guests from the independent comic book world, browse books and fanzines, have fun with the family or take a break during your visit to the CCCB.
Curators: Montserrat Terrones
Participants: Bàrbara Alca, Marta Cartu, Genie Espinosa, Ana Galvañ, Nadia Hafid, Conxita Herrero Delfa, María Medem, Miriampersand, Roberta Vázquez
Nine radiations
"Risk Island" Roberta Vázquez
Choose your adventure with the comic-book characters of Roberta Vázquez, the most direct heir to the underground tradition. An interactive reading of space that adopts the analog code of board games.
“Cringer” by Bàrbara Alca
Fancy looking for a partner on Cringer? A dating application vaguely inspired by Tinder where you can make a match with Bárbara Alca’s characters, somewhere between the monstrous and the normal.
"Summer storm" Conxita Herrero
In this installation, the artist highlights the poetics of everyday life and the affective value of objects, and takes some elements of an unpublished comic book off the page.
“A room” by Nadia Hadif
A reflection on the vignette as the basic unit of language in the comic by means of experimentation with temporality, another basic feature of the language of this medium.
“Hypha” by Marta Cartu
Marta Cartu, an artist in constant dialogue with the most radical proposals of contemporary art, turns reading into a performative act. She creates a labyrinth that overturns the rational arrangement of vignettes on a page, taking as her inspiration the form of the filaments that grow from fungal spores, hyphae.
“The Einstein Rosen bridge or the wormhole” by Genie Espinosa
The journeys between parallel realities lived by the characters of Hoops, Genie Espinosa’s first album, are transformed into a device that plays with the transition from two- to three-dimensionality. A space that makes you think about the process of transformation and empowerment of a female character.
“Light rite of passage” by Miriampersand
A game set between night and day, reality and unreality. The artist’s taste for esotericism and magic materializes, literally, in a dimensional gate. On the frame of this dimensional gate, you’ll be able to decipher a story that conceals the myths of a lost civilization.
“Perfect day” by Ana Galvañ
As an artist directly committed to science fiction and dystopian codes, Ana Galvañ proposes a gentle everyday story that contrasts with the harshness of a universe marked by mutation and apocalyptic atmospheres.
"Reflejos" María Medem
In this installation, directly linked to the universes of the work “Because of a Flower”, María Medem interweaves the traditional language of embroidery with a game involving the compression of time that has the ability to transform elements such as daylight, the sounds of the night and the smell of rosemary. An installation with more of the atmospheric than the narrative, with the musical collaboration of producer and DJ Ylia (Susana Hernández).
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