Comic book meetings and workshops for all ages
Bàrbara Alca and Roberta Vázquez
Find your own universe
Courses and workshops
How can we design true-to-life comic characters with their own personality? Workshop designed and facilitated by Bàrbara Alca and Roberta Vázquez, two of the authors from the exhibition Graphic Constellation.
In this workshop, we will look at different ways of creating characters (out of animals, objects, foods) using personification techniques, turning them into true-to-life anthropomorphic beings with their own personality.
We will start with the structure of the character illustration outline, explore different camera angles, and finally create self-portraits in cartoon format. And if we have time, we will even make a comic strip!
In "La Comiquera" comic-book creation space, in the Floor-2 Foyer of the CCCB.
Presenters: Abi L. Enrech
Participants: Bàrbara Alca, Roberta Vázquez
This activity is part of Graphic Constellation, Comic book meetings and workshops for all ages