Comic book meetings and workshops for all ages
Genie Espinosa and Miriampersand
Create your own comic avatar
Courses and workshops
A character design workshop based on reflections about the representation of non-normative bodies in comics, designed and facilitated by Genie Espinosa and Miriampersand, two of the authors included in the exhibition Graphic Constellation.
In this activity we will focus on the design of comic characters from a critical, non-normative, inclusive and non-stereotypical perspective. We will create a very special character from the different proposals offered up by the two artists, avoiding the usual codes for the representation of bodies in comics.
We will also talk about the creative process, in which both the development of the story we tell and the identification with the character we create can offer personal catharsis and liberation in times of uncertainty and anxiety.
In "La Comiquera" comic-book creation space, in the Floor-2 Foyer of the CCCB.
Presenters: Júlia Barceló
Participants: Genie Espinosa, Miriampersand
This activity is part of Graphic Constellation, Comic book meetings and workshops for all ages