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Francesc Muñoz

Urbanist and Lecturer in Urban Geography

Lecturer in Urban Geography, director of the Observatory of Urban Planning at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and teacher at the Università IUAV di Venezia, where he regularly gives seminars. He has received prizes such as the Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis Attending to Human Values in Engineering (UPC, 2004) and the Bonaplata Award for the exhibition The Light Factory, about the power station in Sant Adrià de Besòs (2014).

He has curated shows such as the commemorative exhibition of 30 years of democratic town councils, Local, local! The City to Come (CCCB, 2010), and the exhibition Architectures on the Waterfront (Fundació Mies van der Rohe, 2019), and has been a member of the Cerdà Year Advisory Board (2010).

He has published numerous articles and books about global transformations of urban landscapes, including urBANALización: Paisajes Comunes, Lugares Globales (2008) and Estratègies vers la ciutat de baixa densitat: de la contenció a la gestió (2011).

Update: 28 February 2024



Francesc Muñoz, Josep Báguena and Judit Carrera



The construction of the american dream

Has participated in

Carola Hein, Francesco Musco and Miriam García

Barcelona, Venice, Amsterdam: Three Stories of City and Sea

Margaret Crawford

Rethinking Suburbia

Life in Europe’s urban sprawl


Challenges of the low-density city


Cities and the Anthropocene

Conversation with Suzanne Hall and Nigel Thrift

Cities in the 21st Century

Meeting with Francesco Indovina - 'Cities in the 21st Century' book launch

The Street and the Home. Readings to Inhabit the City

Justice and Equality

Lecture by Saskia Sassen

"Modern Ruins, a Topography of Lucre", by Julia Schulz-Dornburg

Book presentation

Global Tourism, Souvenir Cities

"The Pleasure of the City", by Xavier Monteys

Book presentation

Seminar 4 RECYCLING. The Future of Industrial Landscapes

Sant Adrià de Besòs

Seminar 3. EXTENSIONS. The New City

El Prat de Llobregat

Round table: “The City to Come: Futures in Question”

To mark the presentation of the catalogue of the exhibition “Local, local!”

Seminar 2. LANDSCAPES. Integration of Urban Surroundings

Auditorium of Biblioteca Vapor Badia (Sabadell)


The Recovery of the City

Targeted Publics:

Arts and Technologies of the Security City

Barcelona, Metacity

Take away Landscapes - 2008

Lectures in the master's degree course "Landscape Intervention and Management"

Barcelona – Krakow

Changing Visions – Visions of Change

Barcelona’s New City Walls

Take away cultures

Urban traumas

Cities and disasters

(In)visibles cities

Spaces of risk, spaces of citizenship

Local, local!

The city to come