CERDÀ POSTMETROPOLIS International Congress Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century
Seminar 3. EXTENSIONS. The New City
El Prat de Llobregat
Extensions is the third of four seminars leading up to the Cerdà Postmetropolis International Congress on Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century.
These introductory seminars will furnish content for some of the themes of debate at the final Congress. This “Congress in Progress” will make it possible to situate the debate on territorial dynamics and urban policy in different metropolitan municipalities about which a number of case studies will be presented in order to show the transformation of the city in some of its more recent manifestations:
Regeneration of the existing city.
Integration of urban surroundings.
Areas of new growth.
Recycling industrial landscapes.
The seminar Extensions takes the form of a debate on new zones of urban growth, new areas of urban development in the metropolitan scheme. If it is true that the initiatives of refurbishment and improvement of the existing city are prominent in the urban images of the present-day city, the dynamics of urbanisation and the needs of a growing population have also brought about equally comparable processes of new municipal and neighbourhood extensions. Beyond growth in the form of disperse urbanisation, a new form of urban planning, common to many metropolitan municipalities has aimed to expand the city while also maintaining the values of the already-constructed urban fabric, attempting to link up once again isolated areas between towns and to manage the integration of new urban limits into the landscape.
Friday 7 May 2010
9.30 a.m. Presentation
Towards a New Urban Canon: Edge Cities or New Urban Development?
Francesc Muñoz, director of the Cerdà Postmetropolis International Congress
10 -10.30 a.m.
The New City Today: El Prat-Nord
Fernando Domínguez Vázquez, municipal architect and Urban Planning Services Director of El Prat de Llobregat City Council.
10.30 -11 a.m. Coffee break
11 a.m. -12.30 p.m.
Alternatives to Canonical Urban Growth
Eduard Bru, architect
The New City and Environmental Sustainability of the Territory
David Saurí, Professor of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Presented and moderated by Silvia Banchini, co-director of Intelligent Coast
12.30 – 2 p.m.
The Design of Future Growth Areas: The Example of the ARES [Strategic Residential Areas]
Joan Llort, general director of Strategic Action and Land Policy of the Department of Territorial Policy and Public Works of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia.
The Project of New Residential Patterns
Antonio Font, Professor of Urban Planning at the Vallès School of Architecture (Technical University of Catalonia)
Presented and moderated by Josep Antoni Bàguena, consultant in territorial planning to the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia
4 – 5.30 p.m.
Recommendations for Planning and Habitability in the New City
Sebastià Jornet, architect, lecturer in Urban Planning at the Barcelona School of Architecture (Technical University of Catalonia)
Criteria for Socially Sustainable Urban Planning
Josep Maria Montaner, Professor, Department of Architectural Composition at the Barcelona School of Architecture (Technical University of Catalonia)
Presented and moderated by Maria Rubert, lecturer in the Department of Urban and Territorial Planning at the Technical University of Catalonia
5.30 – 6 p.m. Coffee break
6 – 7.30 p.m. Panel discussion
Roadmaps for Future City Growth: Urban Planning, Territory, Society and Landscape
Josep Maria Vilanova, lecturer in the Department of Urban and Territorial Planning at the Technical University of Catalonia
Joan Subirats, Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Jaume Busquets, assistant director of Landscape, Department of Territorial Policy and Public Works of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia
Presented and moderated by Hèctor Santcovsky, sociologist, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
Introductory seminars
26 February 2010, Barcelona, CCCB
The recovery of the city
26 March 2010, Sabadell
Integration of urban surroundings
7 May 2010, El Prat de Llobregat
The construction of the new city
28 May 2010, Sant Adrià de Besós
The sustainability of industrial urban landscapes
From 8 – 11 June 2010, Barcelona, CCCB
International Congress
Cerdà Postmetropolis. Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century
Moderators: Silvia Banchini, Josep Antoni Bàguena, Maria Rubert de Ventós, Hèctor Santcovsky
Participants: Francesc Muñoz, Fernando Domínguez Vázquez, Eduard Bru, David Saurí, Joan Llort, Antonio Font, Sebastià Jornet, Josep Maria Montaner, Josep Maria Vilanova, Joan Subirats, Jaume Busquets
This activity is part of CERDÀ POSTMETROPOLIS International Congress Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century