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CERDÀ POSTMETROPOLIS International Congress Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century

Seminar 4 RECYCLING. The Future of Industrial Landscapes

Sant Adrià de Besòs



Recycling is the fourth of four seminars leading up to the Cerdà Postmetropolis International Congress on Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century.

These introductory seminars will furnish content for some of the themes of debate at the final Congress. This “Congress in Progress” will make it possible to situate the debate on territorial dynamics and urban policy in different metropolitan municipalities about which a number of case studies will be presented in order to show the transformation of the city in some of its more recent manifestations:


Regeneration of the existing city.

Integration of urban surroundings.

Areas of new growth.

Recycling industrial landscapes.


The seminar Recycling will bring together different perspectives on first-generation industrial territories, which are largely responsible for old processes of urban growth and clearly associated with the metropolitan collective imaginary. The experiences of urban recycling of these industrial conglomerates have brought out an array of common situations in the context of the European postmetropolis. The processes of reconversion, rehabilitation and appraisal of these industrial landscapes show their capacity for endowing metropolitan space with new uses that have ranged from the economics of culture to tourist consumption, while making it possible to discuss the potential represented by urban heritage in the context of a city that is being recovered from within, that is growing without, that integrates its limits and that understands industrial complexes as opportunities for creation of centrality and metropolitan visibility.



Friday 28 May

9.30 a.m.

Welcome by Jesús M. Canga, Mayor of Sant Adrià de Besòs.

Industrial Landscapes Today: Challenges, Opportunities, Metropolis
Francesc Muñoz, director of the Cerdà Postmetropolis International Congress.

10 - 10.30 a.m.

The Three Chimneys of Sant Adrià: Debate and Metropolitan Strategy
Juan Carlos Montiel
, architect and general director of Barcelona Regional.

10.30 - 11 a.m. Break

11 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

Landscapes Afterwards: Between the Economic Footprint and the Trail of Culture
Quim Rosell
, architect.

Landscapes of Industry in a Post-industrial Territory: The Ruhr Museum and the Zollverein Mines
Ulrich Borsdor
f, director of the Ruhr Museum.

Rethinking Industrial Landscapes: The Future of the Three Chimneys Zone
Imanol Pujana
, manager of the Consell Comarcal del Barcelonès (Barcelonès Regional Council).

Presented and moderated by Jorge García de la Cámara, architect and director of BIArch.

12.30 – 2 p.m.

The Monuments of Electricity Today
Salvador Tarragó
, architect and vice-president of SOS Monuments.

Urban Landscape as Heritage; Urban Heritage as Landscape
Miguel Ángel Álvarez Areces
, economist, president of the Asociación de Arqueología Industrial (INCUNA – Industrial Archaeology Association) and of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH-Spain).

For a New Metropolitan Iconography: Sustainability and Culture in the Form of the City
Alberto Clementi
, professor of Urban Planning and dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Università Gabriele d’Annunzio, Pescara, Italy.

Presented and moderated by Pierpaolo Troiano, architect, spokesperson for Architecture – Urban Planning – Landscape of the Besòs-Canyet Study Centre (CEB-Canyet).

4.30 – 6 p.m. Panel discussion

Recycling European Industrial Landscapes: Cases and Strategies

The Before and After of Industry: Residual Landscapes
Joan Nogué
, director of the Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya (Landscape Observatory of Catalonia).

Recycling and Promises: From Company Towns to Ironopolis
Aleksandar Ivancic
, industrial engineer.

The New Sustainability of Old Industrial Landscapes
Josep Escolano
, director, Fundació b_TEC.

Presented and moderated by Francesc Muñoz.

6 - 6.30 p.m. Break

6.30 - 8 p.m.

Presentation of Proposals for the Future of the Three Chimneys

Recycling Urban Industrial Landscapes International Workshop

Master’s Degree in Landscape Intervention and Management, UAB/UNISCAPE

8 p.m.

Poetics of the Industrial Site

Audiovisual screening. Pier Paolo Troiano.



Introductory seminars

26 February 2010, Barcelona, CCCB

The recovery of the city

26 March 2010, Sabadell

Integration of urban surroundings

7 May 2010, El Prat de Llobregat

The construction of the new city

28 May 2010, Sant Adrià de Besós

The sustainability of industrial urban landscapes


From 8 – 11 June 2010, Barcelona, CCCB

International Congress
Cerdà Postmetropolis. Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century


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