City Symphonies
Audiovisual creation project
What are our cities like? And what can the gaze of filmmakers reveal about them?
Somorrostro en tres actes
Marga Almirall Rotés
Somorrostro is the name currently given to a beach in Barcelona.
Has estado aquí
Vivian Muñoz Rodriguez
After a long journey of migration lasting 20 years, the director faces her most difficult time: watching her mother age from afar and seeing how her dementia-ridden mind begins to forget those few moments they shared in Barcelona and Bogotá.
Querida A.
Elena Molina
We live in an age of control and hyperconnectivity; all our gestures and movements seem to leave a trace and yet there are lives that float below the threshold of visibility.
Marina Rodríguez Colás
The peripheral city of Hospitalet has inherited a spirit of traditional combativeness, fighting to conquer its own space.
Anhel de llum
Alba Cros Pellisé
Anhel de llum is an exploration of Barcelona through light, as it falls on the streets of the city and the people around me who live there: my chosen family. The sun as a brush that naturally highlights what can be seen and what remains in the darkness, clashing with the human artifice ...
Trailer of "The Good Omen"
Alba Bresolí Aliberch
A stone lies in a dry, abandoned place on the outskirts of Barcelona, in the middle of a mountain that's no longer a mountain.
Trailer of "One, two..."
Verònica Font
A portrait of people dancing, of gesture, of the body, of pleasure, of emotion.
Trailer of "A City Within a City"
Raquel Marques i María Romero García
In 2013 we filmed the last few months of the Encants Vells flea market before it moved to its new location: a building with a mirroring roof, constructed to regulate the chaos of the old market.
Trailer of "each gesture"
Valentina Alvarado
A hand becomes the protagonist in a piece that outlines, from a macro viewpoint, a city seen as a tactile scenario, with different women working on artisan crafts.
Beatriz Pérez Martín
If the city is constructed by people and people are constructed by emotions, what places in the metropolis are reserved for our most human part? Do these places actually exist? Amalgama is the need to return to our origins to rediscover our centre.
La Selva. Ecosistema Creatiu
We see the city as an alien place that impels us to keep our distance but at the same time entraps us.
Esa fugaz esencia que dejaron los sucesos
Carolina Astudillo
Walter Benjamin defined “Spur” or trace as the “appearance of a nearness, however far removed the thing left it behind may be”.
Carme Puche Moré
I wonder if the city has changed as much as I have after having two children.