Raquel Barrera
The Barcelona of 1992 has had a huge influence on my generation. Or at least on me.
I’m from Pineda de Mar and I went “down” to Barcelona ONE DAY to see the Olympic Games with my grandparents. I was in my seventh heaven. I couldn’t have been happier. And then my father got tickets for the opening ceremony of the Paralympics: I cried throughout the whole thing.
In 1997 I moved to Barcelona. The Olympic Village was already falling apart. Where has all that brilliance gone? Cobi’s in his death throes, all alone, in an empty fountain. The Palau d’Esports has become a refuge for the homeless.
Why am I still in love with the Barcelona of ‘92? Did it really ever exist? Where’s all the wealth we were “promised”? “Weren’t we” the centre of the universe? Perhaps my infatuation with Barcelona is because it’s imperfect, like me. And, above all, it opened its arms to me when I realised I was a lesbian at the age of eighteen.
Pineda’92 / Spain / 2022 / 10’21’’ / VHS, MiniDV, HD / Original version: Catalan – Subtitles: Spanish, English
Script, direction, and editing: Raquel Barrera
Authors: Raquel Barrera Sutorra
Related to City Symphonies 2022, City Symphonies, Premiere of "City Symphonies" 2022
18 April 2022