La ciutat a la vora
Meritxell Colell Aparicio
Touching reality by taking a walk. When we walk, we can get to know other worlds, become a part of each one’s city. Discovering the other city, the one we often call the outskirts or margins. Changing the historical perspective of the hills as locations to control and defend from, as frontiers of the city, to reveal the boundaries between the mountain and the city as a point of connection with origins. The trees, allotments, paths, flowers, roots.
This film follows a walk from Torre Baró to Vallvidrera along the hills that separate the city of Barcelona with the Collserola mountain range, creating a visual and sound map of the outskirts of the city through the sights, sounds, faces, jobs, urban and natural spaces of each neighbourhood. Spaces and people evoke both the personal and collective memories of the margins and create a symphony thanks to the plurality and diversity of their languages, backgrounds, connections and ways of inhabiting the city.
Filmed in Super 8 and inspired by München-Berlin Wanderung by Fischinger and filmmakers such as Chantal Akerman, Rose Lowder, Margaret Tait, Maya Deren, Helga Fanderl and Jonas Mekas, the images of the walk are accompanied by some notes written in the diary of the shoot and the soundscape of each neighbourhood combine with the soundtracks composed by the artist Angélica Castelló.
La ciutat a la vora (The nearby ciry) / Spain / 2022 / 52'26" / Super-8/HD /Original version: Catalan and Spanish – Subtitles: Spanish, English
Script, direction and editing: Meritxell Colell Aparicio
Sound composition: Angélica Castelló
Audio mixing: Verònica Font
Authors: Meritxell Colell Aparicio
Related to City Symphonies 2022, City Symphonies, Premiere of "City Symphonies" 2022
18 April 2022