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Xcèntric. 2008-2009

The CCCB's cinema

Xcentric: the CCCB's cinema

There is a confidential art that is timeless, which moves around on the fringes, unperturbed by the one-way traffic of the commercial circuits. The aim of Xcentric is to promote greater awareness of this cinema and the videographic projects that use commitment and a will to experiment to challenge images and define the medium. It sets out to recover these secret or forgotten works by means of the public's personal experience.

The contents are organized by genre and theme, but all have in common the fact that they are works of personal creation with a strong commitment on the part of their creators, as regards both content and formal solutions. These are creators who have a strong desire to challenge the medium, break with formal language and incorporate new aesthetic treatments to produce new ways of seeing that are the product of the inherent freedom of independent production.

The films that go to make up Xcentric's programme all share the fact that they are difficult to get to see, and scant or non-existent circulation on audiovisual distribution circuits. The difficulty in obtaining a copy for screening makes each session an act of exhibition, like works of art hanging in a museum.

The Xcentric programme is selected by a team of programmers, renowned specialists in documentary, experimental, animation and art-house cinema. In addition to its regular team, Xcentric also has invited programmers.

Xcentric Extra

As well as the screenings in the auditorium, Xcentric has organized parallel activities, including the exhibition THAT'S NOT ENTERTAINMENT: Film Responds to Film (CCCB 2006) and the publication Xcentric, 45 pel·licules contra dirección (on sale at the Laie-CCCB bookstore).

Xcentric Archive, the first digital archive of experimental and documentary film. Almost 700 titles, housed at the CCCB and open to the public for free consultation. Consult the directors and titles available at: link

Xcentric Classes, with the support of the Institut d'Humanitats, was created to take a closer look at the study of the experimental, avant-garde and art films that Xcentric promotes.
A course-workshop on the re-editing of existing films is planned for 2009, directed by Gonzalo de Lucas with the collaboration of Núria Esquerra. Provisional dates: April-May 09. More information in January 09 at link institut d'humanitats.

Xcentric on Tour. The aim is to take our cinema beyond the walls of the Centre. The programme "Film Visits Art" will travel until 2010 to the main arts centres, museums and film theatres in our country. (link a la pàgina on s'informa mes detalladament)

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