Marina Garcés: “Culture is an ongoing process of transformation and crisis”
Interviews with Marina Garcés, Eduard Escoffet, Emili Manzano, Francesc-Marc Álvaro, Isona Passola, Rosa Pera, Simona Levi, Han Nefkens, Xavier Marcé, Jordi Oliveras, Toni Casares, Ricard Robles, Marta Clari and Vicenç Altaió
In 2013, the CCCB hosted a debate titled “The Meaning of Culture”. This video is a compilation of the opinions expressed by some of the participants in the panel discussion of that debate. Is culture in crisis? What culture? Is it true that audiences for cultural activities are shrinking? Should we come up with new models for managing and administrating projects and institutions?
Participants: Marina Garcés, Francesc-Marc Álvaro, Eduard Escoffet, Simona Levi, Emili Manzano, Xavier Marcé, Han Nefkens, Jordi Oliveras, Isona Passola, Rosa Pera, Toni Casares, Ricard Robles, Marta Clari, Vicenç Altaió
Related to The sense of culture
10 October 2013