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External memory

Soy Cámara online

Museums and cultural centres have the duty to manage and preserve collective memory. In light of predictions that say roughly 115 million people in the world will have Alzheimer’s by 2050, how should cultural institutions react? What can they contribute? What type of memory do we need now to look to the future? This episode of “Soy Cámara” looks at the CCCB programme of activities and tours for people with Alzheimer’s. With collaboration from Glòria Cid, Santos M. Mateos, Sara Carrillo, Carmen Segura de Rivas, Amir Parsa, Inma Fernández, Sandra Poiudevila and Josefina Airiño

Written and directed by: Rory Lambert
Original idea: AlzheimArt CCCB, Tere Pérez, Mònica Muñoz, Lluís Sangerman
Produced and edited by: Juan Carlos Rodríguez and Joan Ruiz

Authors: Rory Lambert

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23 April 2012