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The Improper

Debate, Meeting and Reading Space

Courses and workshops


The Improper has been a setting for encounter, conversation and reading and open during the exhibition “Sade: Freedom or Evil”.

Located in the lobby of the exhibition space, The Improper has been a setting for encounters and conversations created for “Sade: Freedom or Evil”. Here we have had the chance to speak, play and rethink ourselves in relation to questions of identities, the body or dissident sexualities. Erika Sarrias and Josu Larrea have captured some impressions of what has happened here in this fanzine.

The Improper does not belong to anyone; at the same time, it is a shared setting to let our imagination run wild, individually and collectively. It is a space to gather together fantasies, reflections and exigencies involving desire, freedom, transgression and norms. If you enter into The Improper, we ask you to keep in mind these guidelines for care.


The “Improper Sessions” are a series of activities, organised in a safe, cooperative setting, whose aim is to broaden, expand and share some of the passions and challenges brought to the fore by the exhibition “Sade: Freedom or Evil”.

23 May
Dominations and Denominations, with Daniel Gasol, Marikarmen Free and Ibai Gorriti

7 June
Politics of Respectability, with Frau Diamanda, Valentina Berr and Janet Mérida

20 June
Other Imaginaries of Desire, with Urko, Luna Miguel and blanca arias

27 June
Cultures of Consent, with Shaina Joy Machlus, Laura Macaya and Teresa M. Stout

30 June
The Good Rage, with Fefa Vila and Javier Sáez (in collaboration with La Capella)

6 July
Bad Sexuality, with Bárbara Ramajo, Lucas Platero and Marta Vusquets


Lateral Views

The “Lateral Views” are visits to the exhibition “Sade: Freedom or Evil”, led by five exceptional guides, reflecting on the show from a variety of experiences and perspectives.

30 May
Erotic Alterities: Subculture, Pleasure and Persecution
, with Anneke Necro

29 de junio
Liquid Bodies / Liquifiable Bodies, with Juan Antonio Suárez

11 de julio
Shame and Transgression, with Pau Luque

19 de setiembre
Every Voice Seems to Say Violence, with Lucía Egaña

10 de octubre
On Desire: Feminisms Facing Sade
, with Clara Serra 

This activity is part of Sade

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