Soy Cámara #28. Domestic affairs
The CCCB’s Programme
The programme takes as its departure point Your Lost Memories, an Internet project that sets out to return to their owners lost home videos recorded in Super 8 format. It reviews the evolution of the genre thanks to technological advances, ranging from the first home videos to the present-day exhibitionism enabled by platforms such as YouTube. It also addresses dilemmas such as to what extent our memory is more conditioned by the images we record than by our own experiences, and whether new technologies will enable us to erase certain moments. Will we have the right to forget?
Script and direction: Ingrid Guardiola and M. A. Blanca
Participants: Albert Alcoz, Andrés Duque, Pere Ginard, Maximiliano Viale
Authors: Ingrid Guardiola, Miguel Ángel Blanca
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12 April 2013