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A different remedy for the same complaint. Soy Cámera online

How do you follow a (cinematographic) remedy that insists there is no remedy? Feminist approaches represent a perpetual provocation, difficult to assimilate and defying the classification systems of the past. One of the practices most often repeated by female cineastes, from the early days of the medium right up to the present, is collective filmmaking. This audiovisual piece addresses, with contemporary issues, the possibility of a cinema outside the typical androcentric, competitive confines, exploring collective initiatives that, through feminist cinematography, have risen up historically to challenge (and laugh at) the "complaint itself".

Written, directed and edited by: Col·lectiu Al dente

Duration: 20 min.

Subtitles: Catalan and Spanish

Related to Soy Cámara online, Feminist Film Manifestos VI

15 December 2020