Sophie Collins and Raimon Fransoy
Think about silence and all it implies. But think—now, quickly—about words and meaning. About words and meaning and metaphor. About words and deception. About how metaphor—or any kind of figurative language—might, in fact (and often inadvertently), lead to a kind deception. Think about how speech—as opposed to silence—might effect an inadvertent (self-)deception.
Text and voice: Sophie Collins
Filmed and edited by: Raimon Fransoy
Listeners: Muhammad Hassan, Manuela Carcelén, Zoe Carné, Estanis Fransoy Monsalve, Emma Fransoy Monsalve, Gerard Gómez, Beatriz Monsalve Carcelén, Ferran Pontón, David Robustillo and Erika V. Villanueva
Graphics: Zoe Carné
Music: Start Over and Nico Roig, Lear and Egon Soda, 20 and Egon Soda
Original version: Catalan and Spanish
Catalan, Spanish and English translations: La Correcional
Authors: Sophie Collins, Raimon Fransoy
Related to A Vocabulary for the Future, A Vocabulary for the Future
15 June 2021