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Raimon Fransoy

Filmmaker, film editor and screenwriter

Raimon Fransoy is a filmmaker, film editor and screenwriter. He graduated in humanities from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and studied film at the Centre d'Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya. He has worked in the world of film for over twenty years, first at the helm of Elsabeth production company (2003–2019) and Tots Sants collective (2012–2021) and since 2020 as an independent filmmaker. During his early years at XTVL local TV network, he helped to create a series of memorable programmes, including Portbou, Puetes, Plimba Vorbi Gura and Carretera & Mantra, among others. At Canal 33 he made L’aprenent de pilot, a series of portraits of Catalan artists abroad. Together with Xavier Puig he has directed music documentaries such as Jorge Rossy (2010), Adrià Puntí (2012) and El dolor de la bellesa (2013) and made music videos for groups such as Love of Lesbian, Manel, Mucho, Ariel Rot, Sidonie and Roger Mas. Drawn together by their keen interest in music, in 2012 Raimon Fransoy, Jordi C. Corchs, Roger Roca and Xavier Puig teamed up to create the Tots Sants live music film archive, for which he made videos with artists such as Sílvia Pérez Cruz, El petit de Cal Eril, Ferran Palau and Núria Graham, among many others. In 2013 he used a sojourn in Bristol, England, to write and start work on his debut fiction feature, Ardara, which premiered in 2019.

Update: 1 June 2021


Has participated in

Mission Curiosity

A Martian project for students of elementary school