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City Symphonies

Premiere of "City Symphonies" 2022

At D'A - Barcelona Film Festival


Free with pre-booking

This first series presents seven pieces, filmed in Barcelona and other towns in the metropolitan area.

Session 1: Sunday, 1 May, 20.00
La ciutat a la vora (The nearby city), Meritxell Colell, Espanya, 2022, 52'26", original version with subtitles in Spanish

Session 2: Monday, 2 May, 20.00
Minshara, Carme Puche, Espanya, 2022, 20'46", original version with subtitles in English

Session 3: Tuesday, 3 May, 20.00
Esa fugaz esencia que dejaron los sucesos (That fleeting essence left by events), Carolina Astudillo, Espanya, 2022, 11'44", original version in Spanish

Session 4: Wednesday, 4 May, 20.00
, Raquel Barrera, Espanya, 2022, 10'21", original version with subtitles in Spanish

Session 5: Thursday, 5 May, 20.00
Disonar, col·lectiu La Selva, Espanya, 2022, 12'16", original version in Spanish

Session 6: Friday, 6 May, 20.00
Amalgama, Beatriz Pérez, Espanya, 2022, 19'11", original version in Spanish

Session 7: Sunday, 8 May, 20.00
Satélites (Satellites), Eva Murgui, Espanya, 2022, 12'28", original version in Spanish

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Esa fugaz esencia que dejaron los sucesos

Carolina Astudillo

Walter Benjamin defined “Spur” or trace as the “appearance of a nearness, however far removed the thing left it behind may be”.

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Beatriz Pérez Martín

If the city is constructed by people and people are constructed by emotions, what places in the metropolis are reserved for our most human part? Do these places actually exist? Amalgama is the need to return to our origins to rediscover our centre.

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