Antonio Lozano
Writer and literary journalist, coordinator of the CCCB reading club.
Degree in Communications from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and PhD in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University. He has worked on Quimera and Qué Leer and currently contributes as a literary journalist on Librújula, the Cultura/s and Magazine supplements of La Vanguardia, the RAR supplement of ARA, and the magazines Esquire, Woman and SModa. He produces the blog Negro sobre negro for Librújula and writes in the section “Serialmente” on CLAPP, the digital magazine for cinema. Lozano is co-author of Nuestra historia (1911-2011) (Seix Barral, 2011) and of the young people’s trilogy Terror en la red (Edebé), the author of six books for children and a translator of crime novels, young people’s novels, graphic novels, essays, memoirs and practical books. He also coordinates the CCCB and the Agustí Centelles Library reading clubs and is a member of the judging panel for the RBA International Prize for Crime Writing.
Update: 3 February 2017