The humanities challenge in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Soy Cámara online
The neoliberal capitalist project has transformed the role that knowledge in general and the humanities in particular play in our lives. One of the issues explored by this episode of “Soy Cámara” is the deinstitutionalisation of the humanities or the crisis of the public university, at the same time offering individual and collective tools to deal with the disaster. To address this juncture, the Institut de Humanitats de Barcelona organised the Open Classrooms, directed by Marina Garcés with the participation of David Casasses, Eduard Escoffet, Eudald Espluga, Oriol Fontdevila, Marina Garcés, Ingrid Guardiola, Pablo La Parra, Albert Lladó, Joana Masó, Manel Ollé, Maria Ruido, Mireia Sallarès, Victòria Szpunberg and Brigitte Vassallo.
Direction, editing: Ingrid Guardiola
Language: Spanish, Catalan
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 26 min
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Participants: Brigitte Vasallo, Marina Garcés, Pablo La Parra Pérez, Eduard Escoffet, Albert Lladó, Joana Masó, María Ruido, Ingrid Guardiola, Oriol Fontdevila, David Casassas, Manel Ollé, Mireia Sallarès, Victoria Szpunberg
Authors: Ingrid Guardiola
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21 July 2017