Manel Ollé
Professor and writer
Manel Ollé is a lecturer in History and Culture of Contemporary China in the Department of Humanities at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (UPF), and coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Chinese Studies, also at the UPF. He has published the books La Empresa de China: de la armada invencible al Galeón de Manila (The Chinese Endeavour: From the Invincible Armada to the Manila Galleon, Acantilado, 2002), Made in China: el despertar social, político y cultural de la China contemporánea (Made in China: The Social, Political and Cultural Awakening of Contemporary China, Destino 2005) and La Xina que arriba: perspectives del segle XXI (The Coming China: Prospects for the 21st Century, Eumo 2009). He has translated poems by Li Qingzhao (Reduccions, 2006), an essay by Gao Xingjian titled El sentit de la literatura (The Sense of Literature, Empúries, 2004) , the anthology Pedra i pinzell: antologia de la poesia clàssica xinesa(Stone and Brush: An Anthology of Chinese Classical Poetry, Alpha, 2013) and Islas de plata, imperios de seda (Acantilado, 2022). He has been awarded the Gabriel Ferrater Prize for Poetry for his collection Bratislava o Bucarest (Bratislava or Bucharest, Edicions 62, 2014). In 2021, he was awarded the Poetry Prize of the Jocs Florals de Barcelona with the piece Un grapat de pedres d’aigua (A Handful of Water Stones; LaBreu Edicions).
Update: 29 January 2024