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Joana Masó

Joana Masó is a literary critic whose work focuses on the crossover between literature, thinking, and contemporary art. She is a senior lecturer at Barcelona University, a researcher at ADHUC–Research Centre for Theory, Gender and Sexuality, and the UNESCO chair, Women, Development and Cultures. She has curated exhibitions and translated several books of essays and books about French cinema and has published texts, in different languages, about the art of Hélène Cixous (Poetas en pintura. Escritos sobre arte: de Rembrandt a Nancy Spero) and the aesthetics and architecture of Jacques Derrida (Artes de lo visible [1979-2004] and Les arts de l’espace). Since 2017, she has coordinated the research project “The forgotten legacy of Francesc Tosquelles”, which has resulted in the publication of the volume Tosquelles. Curar les institucions (Arcàdia), recognized with the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona of Essay, Humanities and History 2021, and the exhibition "Francesc Tosquelles. Like a Sewing Machine in a Wheat Field", the result of a study process developed together with Carles Guerra.

Update: 11 March 2022




Com una màquina de cosir en un camp de blat

Has participated in

Guided visit to "Francesc Tosquelles"

Historia potencial de Francesc Tosquelles, Catalunya i la por

Film screening and discussion

Conversation with Siri Hustvedt

Lecture by Marta Segarra

Blood Ties: Animality and Intimacy

Readers of Judith Butler

with Marta Segarra, Lorena Fuster, Meri Torras, Begonya Saez, Marina Garcés and Joana Masó

Flexo 1/6: Value. Seminar by Joana Masó

Shared readings: from “Counterfeit Money” by Charles Baudelaire to Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas

Knowing, Doing, Understanding #1

Open seminar directed by Marina Garcés


Contemporary feminism and activism

What is real?

Lecture by Chantal Maillard

Francesc Tosquelles

Like a Sewing Machine in a Wheat Field