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Run, shine, light, light

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization: M.A. Blanca, Jordi Díaz

Editing: M.A. Blanca

Production - M.A.Blanca Bernat Manzano Montse Pujol Solà
Sound - Iban R.Gabarró
Colour - Clara Rus

Voice over- Abel Julien

Language: Spanish

Duration: 20 min.

Synopsis: A poetic fable about wandering and unrestingly and about the negative impact of the civilization on nature. Birds that get lost in the flight until they faint. People who get lost in the dark. Flashes, lightning, mobile phone screens and Chinese shadows. The screen to understand reality and the image to transcend life. Taxidermy. An avant-garde ornithological documentary essay, which ends up being a strange existential puzzle that tries to warn us of something terrible is about to happen. Official selection at: Zinebi - International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao, Gijón-International Film Festival, Porto/Post/Doc: Film & Media Festival 2018.

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20 December 2018