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Marina Warner and Alba Cros Pellisé

Kindness is in short supply, though the pandemic is inspiring more of it than we imagined possible. But generally the strain of wars, climate change, hostile acts of governments and authorities at home and beyond, border walls and other exclusionary measures have made the world a very unkind place. Unlike Kafka, who wrote to a friend “there is hope but not for us”, Dante’s vision of Eunoe, the waters of good memories, communicates the possibility of hope for us all.

Text and voice: Marina Warner
Director, camera and editor: Alba Cros Pellisé
Music: Nora Haddad Casadevall
With: Aida Belmonte, Nora Haddad, Jessica Gómez and Claudia Plan
Original version: English
Catalan and Spanish translation: La correccional

Related to A Vocabulary for the Future, A Vocabulary for the Future

13 June 2021