Book-DVD review of the history of Spanish cinema entertainment. The work shows the extraordinary quality and innovation of Spanish productions since the middle of last century. The creation and production of this project has meant also the recovery and digitization of some works in poor condition or with difficult access by the audience.
DVD1 - Cortos 1943-1999
DVD2 - Cortos 2001-2015
DVD3 - Historias de amor y masacre_Pioneros_Spots Estudios Moro_Extras
Produced by: CCCB and Acción Cultural Española
Authors: Carolina López, Alfons Moliné i del Castillo, Susana Rodríguez Escudero
Publication year: 2015
Pages: 164
Dimensions: 14 × 19 cm.
Images in B/W and colour: 100
(Castellano /English)
CCCB / Cameo