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From Doodles to Pixels. Over One Hundred Years of Spanish Animation

Modern Times



Together with industrial development and the expanding middle class, advertising began to flourish and found a language in animation that was able to attract these new consumers. Estudios Moro, based in Madrid, became THE company for advertising films in Spain, producing thousands of animated and live action commercials, created by such names as Pablo Núñez, Paul Casalini, Marcel Breuil and Francisco Macián. A North American treatment was the order of the day, but was given a more stylish, modern and jazzy look, similar to that of the UPA studio. The illustrator José Luis Moro and his producer brother, Santiago, best reflect this trend, and together wrote one of the most exciting pages of Spain’s popular culture. Some of the best work to come out of Moro highlights this programme, whether from its stock of internationally acclaimed commercials or the unforgettable Vamos a la cama (1965). Other work focuses on ensuing decades with films by Robert Balser, Julio Taltavull, and, closer to home, Isabel Herguera, Adriana Navarro, Carles Porta and Miguel Gallardo.


Estudios Moro commercials, 1954-1964, 16’29”

Vamos a la cama, José Luis Moro, 1965, 36”

El sombrero, Robert Balser, 1964, 8’15”

La doncella guerrera, Julio Taltavull, 1974, 11’39”

William Wilson, Jorge Dayas, 1999, 10’28”

La gallina ciega, Isabel Herguera, 2005, 7’17”

Las vidas ejemplares, Carles Porta, 2008, 11’24”

El viaje de María, Miguel Gallardo, 2010, 5’42”

Vía Tango, Adriana Navarro, 2013, 321”

Onemoretime, José González, Tonet Calabuig and Elisa Martínez, 2014, 5’

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