Fina Birulés
Tenured lecturer in Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (1979-2020). Her lines of research are focused on two core themes: on the one hand, political subjectivity, history and action, and on the other, feminist theory and female philosophical production, with special attention to the work of Hannah Arendt and other 20th-century philosophers. She is co-founder and member of the Seminar on Philosophy and Gender at ADHUC (Research Centre for Theory, Gender, Sexuality) at the University of Barcelona and the Arendtian Group on Thought and Politics, and she has been a visiting professor at universities in Puerto Rico, Chile, Parma, Florence, and Vienna.
Her publications include Una herencia sin testamento: Hannah Arendt (Herder, 2007), Entreactes. Entorn del pensament, la política i el feminisme (Trabucaire, 2014), Hannah Arendt. El orgullo de pensar (Gedisa, 2018), Feminisme, una revolució sense model (CCCB, 2018), L’embolic del gènere. Per què els cossos importen? (with Judith Butler and Marta Segarra CCCB, 2019), Hannah Arendt: Llibertat, política i totalitarisme (Gedisa, 2019) and Hannah Arendt: el món en joc (Arcàdia, 2023). She has also translated several works of contemporary philosophy and is the author of numerous essays, in addition to serving as the editor of collective volumes on the thought of Hannah Arendt and other contemporary thinkers, such as Pensadoras del Siglo XX (Instituto de la Mujer, 2011), and Lectoras de Simone Weil (Icaria, 2013), both with Rosa Rius Gatell, as well as Judith Butler (Katz, 2022), with Doris Leibetseder.
Update: 9 June 2023