The legacy of Hannah Arendt
The work of German philosopher Hannah Arendt has become very important in today's debate about ideas. This seminar sets out to further the task of interpretation of her legacy and highlight those areas in which her proposals have had the greatest influence. The debates will be accompanied by screenings about the person and about her body of work.
René Char's phrase, so frequently cited by Hannah Arendt, can probably be referred to her work: "Our heritage has been handed over to us without a testament." The trite praise, that her figure is constantly growing and with the passing of time and successive readers becoming more important in the debate of ideas, is very fitting. Yet the issues remain of the overall nature of her proposal, of the value to be accorded to the body of her contributions, of the meaning, in short, of everything she thought.
This seminar sets out to further the necessary task of interpretation of Arendt's legacy, highlighting those areas in which her proposals have had the greatest influence, those that have sparked off debates and discussions that are very relevant to a clarification of the times in which it is our lot to live. The lectures will be accompanied by screenings that illustrate the relevance of Hannah Arendt's ideas to contemporary thought.
Monday 11 December
7.30 p.m. The legacy of Hannah Arendt
Presentation of the cycle by Josep Ramoneda, Director of the CCCB.
Speaker: Manuel Cruz, Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona.
Tuesday 12 December
7.30 p.m. Republicanism and the meaning of politics
Helena Béjar, lecturer in Sociology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Giacomo Marramao, lecturer in Political philosophy at the Università di Roma Tre.
Fernando Vallespín, Director of the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Madrid.
Xavier Antich, lecturer in Aesthetics and Philosophy at the Universitat de Girona.
Wednesday 13 December
7.30 p.m. The figures of evil in the contemporary world
Enzo Traverso, lecturer in Political Science at the Université de Picardie - Jules Verne, Amiens.
Fina Birulés, lecturer in Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona.
Cristina Sánchez, lecturer in Philosophy of Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Moderator: Manuel Cruz.
Wednesday 13 December
9.30 p.m.
Zur Person: Porträts in Frage und Antwort. Günter Gaus im Gespräch mit Hannah Arendt, Günter Gaus interviews Hannah Arendt, 1964, 72', Spanish subtitles.
In a little over an hour, the German philosopher talks about the issues that most marked her in the course of her life and intellectual activity: the formative years, the coming to power of Nazism, links with Judaism, exile in the USA, her relations with Europe and Germany, and the trial in Jerusalem of Adolf Eichmann.
Thursday 14 December
9.30 p.m.
Un certain regard: Hannah Arendt et Roger Errera, Jean-Claude Lubtchansky, 1974, 50', Spanish subtitles.
In this interview, Hannah Arendt explains the particularities of the US democracy, with emphasis on the Constitution, a fundamental element in this society. The philosopher compares Europe and the United States, particularly with regard to the international politics of the time, and delivers a penetrating and erudite lesson in history.
10.30 p.m.
Hannah Arendt, la jeune fille étrangère, Egal Errera, 1997, 51', Spanish subtitles.
Hannah Arendt formed part of all the major 20th-century combats, in which she combined thought and action in equal measure. This documentary produces a portrait of her based on her correspondence with Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers.
Friday 15 December
9.30 p.m.
Un spécialiste: portrait d'un criminel moderne, Rony Brauman and Eyal Sivan, 1999, 123' Spanish subtitles.
Taking one of Hannah Arendt's reflection as their inspiration, Rony Brauman and Eyal Sivan present the SS officer Adolf Eichmann, filmed during his trial in 1961, and try to answer the question: what is the face of evil? Rather than a documentary about the "final solution", this drama in images presents a portrait of a monstrously ordinary individual and gives a dramatic lesson in ethics and history.
Presenters: Josep Ramoneda
Moderators: Xavier Antich
Participants: Manuel Cruz, Helena Béjar, Giacomo Marramao, Fernando Vallespín, Enzo Traverso, Fina Birulés, Cristina Sánchez