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Carme Colomina


A research fellow at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) specialising in the European Union, disinformation, and global politics, editor, and member of the CIDOB editorial board. She has a degree in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a postgraduate degree in European Studies from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). After working as a Brussels correspondent, she was head of the International Section at Catalunya Ràdio and also at the daily Ara. She has worked as a consultant in a range of communication projects in the European and Euro-Mediterranean spheres, as well as being Head of Interregional Cooperation in the Foreign Affairs Department of the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia. She has covered international summits in twenty countries and, in 2001, the war in Afghanistan. She is Associate Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, where she teaches a course on Communication Management, and she also teaches at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. She works regularly with several media outlets as an analyst of today’s global politics.

Update: 19 November 2020


Pankaj Mishra

The World Today. Reflections on the Legacy of Imperialism

Naomi Klein

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate

Has participated in

Henry Sanderson

Rare-earth elements

Peace, the value of our days

Jordi Armadans

Conversation with Pankaj Mishra

The World Today. Reflections on the Legacy of Imperialism

1918, the Unfinished War. Europe, a hundred years afterwards

Robert Gerwarth and Victor Demiaux in dialogue

Europe: From Hope to Disaffection

A Mediterranean View

Erosion of Freedoms and Struggles of Women

Lecture by Elif Shafak

Authoritarianism and Censorship

Lecture by Zeynep Oral

Lecture by Naomi Klein

Launch of the book 'This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate'

Does Eastern Europe Still Exist?

Lecture by Anne Applebaum

Reinventing Democracy in Europe

For a New Politics of Common Interest


A documentary by Amal Ramsis