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The idea of Europe

Does Eastern Europe Still Exist?

Lecture by Anne Applebaum


The nations of the region we called "Eastern Europe" were once closely linked, so much so that West Europeans had trouble distinguishing them: "Siberia starts at Checkpoint Charlie," as we used to say. But since 1989 they have made different choices and taken different paths to such an extent that they now have little in common. In lecture, Anne Applebaum will discuss why they have become very different, and will consider whether there are lessons which can be learned from the East European experience of reform, both for Europe and the rest of the world. 

 Anne Applebaum, journalist, columnist for The Washington Post and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Gulag (Debate, 2004). She has just published El telón de acero (Debate, 2014).

Host: Carme Colomina, journalist, head of the International section of the ARA newspaper and CIDOB associate researcher.

Presenters: Carme Colomina

Participants: Anne Applebaum

This activity is part of The idea of Europe

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Anne Applebaum

Does Eastern Europe Still Exist?

Anne Applebaum discuss why the nations of the region we called "Eastern Europe" have become very different.

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