Peace, the value of our days
Jordi Armadans
Political scientist Jordi Armadans, journalists David Fernàndez and Carme Colomina and CCCB director Judit Carrera reflect on the value of peace in our times in a talk moderated by journalist Neus Tomàs.
Peace, justice and human rights are indisputable values in democratic societies. However, we live in a world shaken by multiple forms of violence such as wars, hunger, poverty, sexism, racism or constant aggressions to the environment. In Pau. El valor de la vida als nostres dies (Ara Llibres, 2022), the international conflict expert and peace activist Jordi Armadans reflects on the urgency of placing life as a universal value in front of these systems of death and misery. What mechanisms make possible the persistence of these forms of violence in contemporary societies? How to recover the centrality of peace and activate effective forms of solidarity and global justice?
Moderators: Neus Tomàs
Participants: Jordi Armadans, Carme Colomina, David Fernàndez, Judit Carrera
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Peace, the value of our days
Jordi Armadans
Political scientist Jordi Armadans, journalists David Fernàndez and Carme Colomina and CCCB director Judit Carrera reflect on the value of peace in our times in a talk moderated by journalist Neus Tomàs.