Universities Special
Soy Cámara online
Script and production: Adrià Espí
Language: Spanish, Catalan
Duration: 17 min.
Soy Cámara Online includes capsules made by students of various universities (Pompeu Fabra, Autònoma, Barcelona University, Ramon Llull, Elisava), in the Open Classes facilitated by the contents team at Soy Cámara (Andrés Hispano, Fèlix Pérez-Hita and Ingrid Guardiola). In the form of interviews with the students and images from their capsules, Soy Cámara Universidades reflects on the reasons that prompted them to make the works, their likes and dislikes, recurrent themes of concern, and the audiovisual world itself.
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Authors: Adrià Espí
Related to Soy Cámara online
2 December 2016