Trailer of "Has estado aquí"
Vivian Muñoz Rodriguez
After a long journey of migration lasting 20 years, the director faces her most difficult time: watching her mother age from afar and seeing how her dementia-ridden mind begins to forget those few moments they shared in Barcelona and Bogotá. Through the telephone conversations she has with her mother, she provides her with those memories so she can relive them, at the same time battling to bring the family back together again and be present for her daughter. Melancholy and nostalgia permeate everything; and having a Spanish passport is no guarantee.
Has estado aquí / Spain / 2023 / 10’ / color, HD, stereo / Spanish
Director and script: Vivian Muñoz Rodriguez
Advisor on the script and editing: Aseneth Suarez (Maquina andante, media lab)
Editing: Vivian Muñoz Rodriguez and Raquel Barrera
Sound: Andrea Ballesteros
Production: CCCB with the collaboration of Dones Visuals
Authors: Vivian Muñoz Rodriguez
Related to City Symphonies 2023, City Symphonies, Premiere of "City Symphonies" 2023
31 March 2023