The lighthouse keeper of Sálvora
Soy cámara online
Screenplay and production: Gloria Vilches
Editing: José Antonio Soria
Language: Spanish
Duration: 11 minutes
In 1980, Julio Vilches arrived at the island of Sálvora, situated at the mouth of the Ría de Arousa estuary (Galicia), to work as a lighthouse keeper, a job he held for 37 years until the recent automation of the lighthouse. In this short documentary piece, Julio tells in the first person what it was like to live on a wild, practically uninhabited island that initially belonged to a rather humourless marquis, the evolution of lighthouse tasks, and the everyday activities to which he devoted his plentiful spare time. His oral narrative is accompanied by amateur images of the island and the lighthouse filmed in Super 8, an analogue film support that shares a certain anachronism with the theme of lighthouses. | @CCCBaudiovisual | #SoyCámara
Participants: Gloria Vilches
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10 November 2017