Soy cámara online
Screenplay, realization: Félix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano
Editing: Félix Pérez-Hita
Language: French, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish
Duration: 28min.
This SOY CÁMARA chapter looks at the project of cities and their inhabitants. An urban portrait that talks about local heroes, myths and outsiders who construct spatial syntax by addressing the conflicts that appear in public space. The programme pieces together a visual dialogue based on the city of the past, robot vision and Google Maps, and virtual reality in video games. All this, seasoned with a few credits slipped into the mix and some fast-paced, news-roundup-style music. The episode incudes the testimonies of Marc Augé, Ignacio de Solà-Morales and Francisco Jarauta.
Participants: Marc Augé, Francisco Jarauta, Ignasi de Solà-Morales
Authors: Fèlix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano
Related to Soy Cámara online
5 October 2018